The role of the Parish Finance Council is consultative. The meetings of the Finance Council are called by the pastor or administrator who approves the agenda. While it is expected that the pastor give due consideration to the advice of the council, the pastor alone, in concert with the pertinent regulations of the diocese, has the ultimate responsibility for all decisions affecting the finances of the parish.
The Parish Finance Council
Consists of seven members, and must include the lay trustees (2) of the parish civil corporation and the vice chairperson or member of the Parish Pastoral Council;
A quorum shall consist of four members;
Members be appointed by the pastor and serve a term of five years; members may be reappointed for one additional consecutive term;
All members are to be lay and preferably parishioners;
Initial appointments be staggered to provide continuity of membership;
Minutes shall be kept of each meeting;
There shall be at least four meetings each year.
Members of the Parish Finance Council
Be skilled in the areas of finance, law or administration;
Not be an employee or spouse of an employee of the parish;
Not have extensive or exclusive business relationships.